Investigation of Low-Temperature Desalination Process by Flashing, PV-Thermal, Thermal Storage, and Magnetized Nanofluids

International Journal of Thermal Engineering |
© 2023 by SSRG - IJTE Journal |
Volume 9 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2023 |
Authors : Samuel Sami Howard |
How to Cite?
Samuel Sami Howard, "Investigation of Low-Temperature Desalination Process by Flashing, PV-Thermal, Thermal Storage, and Magnetized Nanofluids," SSRG International Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-11, 2023. Crossref,
Modeling of the PV-thermal solar collector and thermal storage PCM using magnetized nanofluids to power the multi-stage flashing chambers to desalinate seawater has been presented. The proposed model was established after the mass and energy conservation equations were written for finite control volume with properties of the magnetized nanofluids heat transport fluid. The magnetized nanofluids studied and presented hereby are Ai2O3, CuO, Fe304, and SiO2. At different magnetic fields up to 3000 Gauss, the multiple chamber flashing process has been studied under various conditions, including different solar radiations, brine flows and concentrations, nanofluids concentrations, and flashing chamber temperatures and pressures. Solar radiations were taken as 500 w/m2, 750 w/m2, 1000 w/m2, and finally, 1200 w/m2. Nanofluids volumetric concentrations considered varied from 1% to 20% There is clear evidence that the higher the solar radiation, the higher the flashed flow produced. The results also clearly showed that the irreversibility is reduced by using magnetized nanofluid Ai2O3 at higher concentrations of 10% to 20% compared to water as base fluid. The highest irreversibility was experienced when water was used as a base fluid, and the lowest irreversibility was associated with nanofluid SiO2. The irreversibility increase depends upon the type of nanofluid and its thermodynamic properties. Furthermore, the higher the concentration, 10% to 20% of Ai2O3, the higher the availability at the last flashing chamber. However, the availability is progressively reduced at the last flashing chamber. Finally, the predicted results were compared well with experimental data published in the literature.
Desalination, flashing chamber, PV Thermal, Thermal Storage, Magnetized Nanofluids, Numerical Model, validation.
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