Performance Evaluation of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Using Air as Working Medium

International Journal of Thermal Engineering |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJTE Journal |
Volume 1 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Ramesh Nayak. B, Bheemsha, Pundarika. G |
How to Cite?
Ramesh Nayak. B, Bheemsha, Pundarika. G, "Performance Evaluation of Thermoacoustic Refrigerator Using Air as Working Medium," SSRG International Journal of Thermal Engineering, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 16-21, 2015. Crossref,
This work is to study the performance of the thermoacoustic refrigerator with respect to some operating parameters. The experiments were conducted to evaluate the performance of the thermoacoustic refrigeration system under various operating conditions and different stack geometries. The entire resonator system was constructed from aluminium. The inner surface of the resonator tube was coated with polyurethane material to reduce heat loss from conduction and the resonator tube was filled with Air with the help of regulating systems to the required mean pressure. The factors that influence the performance of the system were identified. The COP of the refrigerator increases with increases of heating load and decreases at higher acoustic power. The temperature difference (ΔT) between hot end and cold end of the stack is higher at 2W heating load for 400Hz operating frequency. The temperature difference across the hot end and cold end of the stack increases with the increase of acoustic power for a mean pressure of 10 bar.
Acoustic Power, COP, Frequency, Heatingload, Stack
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