SSRG International Journal of Veterinary Science ( IJVS )

Editor in Chief | Dr. Peter Bennett, |
Canine Medicine, | |
The University of Sydney, | |
Australia. | |
ISSN | 2455-0868 |
Publication Frequency | 3 Issue per Year |
Publisher | Seventh Sense Research Group® |
Paper Submission id | |
SSRG International Journal of Veterinary Science (SSRG - IJVS) is a scholarly double-blind peer-reviewed research publishing Journal.
Aim and Scope:
SSRG International Journal of Veterinary Science is an international and interdisciplinary scholarly open access journal dedicated to providing the advancements and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning veterinary sciences and related academic disciplines. The journal aims to publish research that helps advance the theoretical and practical understanding of Veterinary science. This research should be relevant to any area of the health and management of domestic animals, poultry, aquatic animals, wildlife and related fields. The Journal welcomes the original articles of general and/or global interest to the researchers in the veterinary science and related academic disciplines. The journal also aims to promote ongoing international research and information exchange through publication of latest research reports in the field of veterinary science.
The scope of this journal includes animal nutrition, veterinary science physiology, veterinary medicine and behavior; disorders, diagnosis, injuries, treatment and prevention among animal diseases, animal pathology & immunology, animal reproduction and assisted technologies, animal vaccine, animal viruses, research in veterinary science. The Journal also covers scientific and technological aspects of major veterinary sciences such as veterinary biomedical sciences, veterinary pathobiology and preventive medicine, veterinary public health, veterinary clinical sciences, veterinary humanities and social sciences. The journal aspires to provide a global platform to scientists and researchers worldwide to submit their work in the form of research papers, review articles, case reports, short communication, mini reviews and editorials in all aspects of animal, veterinary sciences. Articles submitted that involve subjecting animals to unnecessary pain or suffering will not be accepted, and all articles must be submitted with the necessary ethical approval.
Papers are solicited from, but not limited to the following topics:
- Anatomy
- Anesthesiology
- Animal Breeding
- Animal Nutrition
- Antibiotic Resistance
- Cloning
- DNA Vaccines
- Equine Medicine
- Hygiene and Technology
- Infectious Diseases
- Parasitology
- Pets and Obesity
- Poultry
- Respiratory Medicine
- Toxicology
- Veterinary Dentistry
- Veterinary Drugs
- Veterinary Forensics
- Veterinary Microbiology
- Veterinary Pharmaceuticals
- Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry
- Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
- Wildlife Medicine
- Wound Management
Authors Geographical Coverage :
Iraq, Japan, Bangladesh, Iran, India, Oman, Newzealand, Egypt, Malaysia, Pakistan, Afghanistan