Bio Compound and Physiological Transforms throughout Thermal Anxiety in Bovines
International Journal of Veterinary Science |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJVS Journal |
Volume 1 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Dr. K.L. Basil baby |
How to Cite?
Dr. K.L. Basil baby, "Bio Compound and Physiological Transforms throughout Thermal Anxiety in Bovines," SSRG International Journal of Veterinary Science, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-4, 2015. Crossref,
Thermal stress is a major cause of production losses in the dairy and beef industries. Dairy animals are more heat sensitive as average milk yield has increased. Calves may be sold for veal, or for one of several types of beef production, depending on available local crops and markets. Such bull calves may be castrated if turnout onto pastures is envisaged, in order to render the animals less aggressive. During thermal stress physiological and biochemical changes occurs in the animal body which directly or indirectly affect the production. This review clearly describes about biochemical and physiological changes occur during thermal stress in bovines. Most dairy farms separate calves from their mothers within a day of birth to reduce transmission of disease and simplify management of milking cows.
Thermal anxiety; Bovines; Physiological changes; Biochemical transforms
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