Study Nutritional Approach to Manage Udder Health Conditions in Dairy Cows

Journal of Veterinary Science |
© 2024 by SSRG - IJVS Journal |
Volume 10 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2024 |
Authors : Manu K, Bhagwat VG, Varun Kumar K |
How to Cite?
Manu K, Bhagwat VG, Varun Kumar K, "Study Nutritional Approach to Manage Udder Health Conditions in Dairy Cows," SSRG Journal of Veterinary Science, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 7-12, 2024. Crossref,
This study explores the potential of a plant-based feed supplement, “Udder Care Formula (UCF),” to address udder health concerns in dairy cows. Traditionally, antibiotics are used to treat udder conditions; however, antibiotic resistance has been reported. This study investigates UCF as a possible alternative approach for cows with subclinical or clinical udder issues. They were given UCF 30g/day/cow for 5 days and monitored for various health markers, including temperature, udder condition, milk quality, and milk production. The results were promising. Cows receiving UCF showed significant improvement (p < 0.001) in several key areas, including reduced inflammation, improved udder quality, and increased milk yield. Although the milk’s white blood cell counts and pH did not change significantly, other measures suggested an overall positive impact on udder health. Based on these findings, the study indicates that UCF supplementation could be a valuable preventative measure for udder health in dairy cows.
UCF, Udder health, Milk white blood cell count, Anti-inflammatory, Antimicrobial resistance.
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