Improvement of Conception Rate in Cows through Assessment of Semen used for Artificial Insemination Program at Government and Private Sector

International Journal of Veterinary Science |
© 2018 by SSRG - IJVS Journal |
Volume 4 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2018 |
Authors : Md.Humayon kabir, Md. Matiur Rahman, Md. Riadul Hasan, Dolan Das, Md.Salman Shahariar, Sobrata Das, Mst. Shumiya Khatun, Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder |
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Md.Humayon kabir, Md. Matiur Rahman, Md. Riadul Hasan, Dolan Das, Md.Salman Shahariar, Sobrata Das, Mst. Shumiya Khatun, Md. Jalal Uddin Sarder, "Improvement of Conception Rate in Cows through Assessment of Semen used for Artificial Insemination Program at Government and Private Sector," SSRG International Journal of Veterinary Science, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-5, 2018. Crossref,
The study was undertaken to investigate the semen quality of government and private sectors and to improve the conception rate of dairy cows. Laboratory methods of semen evaluation are used to select males for artificial insemination. The total dose adjusted conc. Million per ml was (123±27.3). The motility concentration of semen was higher in BRAC (30.16±18.98) and lower in ACI (8.72±0.77). The most significant things were that the motile percent of semen was higher in BRAC (49.40±9.76) and lower in MILK VITA (19.96±3.16). Abnormalities of sperm were varies in percentage. The highest abnormalities of semen were found in in PRAN Company (22.86±3.22) and lowest was in ACI (RAD) (13.24±1.80). Therefore, ACI (RDA) semen qualities are best among those companies or organizations. The higher conception rate was found in PRAN (65.68±10.35) and lower was in MILK vita (39.01±2.55) semen.
Artificial, Assessment, conception, insemination, semen.
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