Layout Design, Analysis and Implementation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Microwind

International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing |
© 2015 by SSRG - IJVSP Journal |
Volume 2 Issue 2 |
Year of Publication : 2015 |
Authors : Ms.Amrita Pahadia and Dr. Uma Rathore Bhatt |
How to Cite?
Ms.Amrita Pahadia and Dr. Uma Rathore Bhatt, "Layout Design, Analysis and Implementation of Combinational and Sequential Circuits using Microwind," SSRG International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 48-56, 2015. Crossref,
To design and analyse various combinational and sequential circuits. In the present thesis we worked on 45nm and 90 nm technologies. Using afore mentioned technologies; the layout for various sequential and combinational circuits has been designed in microwind 3.5 version tool and DSCH software. We designed and analyze three combinational circuit viz. multiplexer, half adder, full adder, 4 bit barrel shifter and one sequential circuit viz. 4bit up down counter.The combinational and sequential circuits are implemented by the use of stick diagram layout designing method with microwind 3.5 version tool and DSCH software. In microwind we designed stick diagram layout and in DSCH we designed schematic diagram of all logic operation. Design of low power circuit with high speed is the essential priority of VLSI tech. For this we designed various circuits which provide optimum results. The 45 nm technology layout for basic building block (multiplexer in our case) of all the circuits has been designed in microwind 3.5 version tool and DSCH software. The simulation is also performed for 90 nm technology. Simulation results show that the proposed design for the afore mentioned circuits is greater in terms of power consumption, temperature sustainability, noise immunity and frequency as compared to existing designs.
Power consumption, Temperature, Packing Density
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