A New Method of Macro- to- Femtocell Handover Process
International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJVSP Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 1 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : R.Sundaravel and J.Gopikrushnan |
How to Cite?
R.Sundaravel and J.Gopikrushnan, "A New Method of Macro- to- Femtocell Handover Process," SSRG International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 16-19, 2016. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23942584/IJVSP-V3I1P105
A femtocell is a very little, low-power cellular base station, normally used for providing network in small area such as home or small business. The main target of Femto Access Points (FAPs) is to minimizethe handover target of macroto- femto and femto-to-femto in LTE based Macro- Femto Heterogeneous Networks. In cellular communications, the word handover or handoff is the process of conveying an ongoing call or data session from one station connected to the core network to another station, move through the coverage area of cellular system. The coverage area of femtocellis narrow about 15 meters to 30 meter, and Handover is obviously based on mobile User Equipment (UE) speed for handover between macrocell-to-femtocell and femtocell-to-femtocell. In the prevailing networks, for handover procedure, based on serving Base Station will adopt the cell selection based on mostly the signal strength of the neighbouringfemtocells. This information can be measured from the corresponding UE. In this paper, we consider in cooperation with the Received Signal Strength and Cell Load of the target Femtocellswhich making the Handover decision alone. This proposed method handles the macro-femto heterogeneous network that decreases the number of handover FAPs to avoid handover to overloaded femtocells and also reduce the number of handovers. The FAP improve the 3G capacity and speed of bundled services.
Femtocells, User Equipment, Hand over or Hand off, Soft and Hard Handover, Handin and Hand-off, Femto Access Points and macrocell-to-femtocell, femtocell-to-femtocell .
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