Velocity regulator of AC motor with V/F controller

International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing |
© 2016 by SSRG - IJVSP Journal |
Volume 3 Issue 3 |
Year of Publication : 2016 |
Authors : Mrs.D.Sangavi and Mr.N.Rajagopal |
How to Cite?
Mrs.D.Sangavi and Mr.N.Rajagopal, "Velocity regulator of AC motor with V/F controller," SSRG International Journal of VLSI & Signal Processing, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 22-26, 2016. Crossref,
A novel VLSI speed control method for induction motors using V/f controller that contributes almost zero steady-state speed error at any frequency and highly efficient torque.The present paper recommended stands alone control equipment for manufacturingbeginning motor speed control.This method leads to be able to change the speed of the motor by control the frequency and amplitude of the stator voltage of induction motor, the ratio of stator voltage to frequency have to be kept constant, which is called scalar control of AC motor drive. The Variable-speed drives are created when a motor is combined with a power electronicsconverter. By introducing variable speediness to the driven load, it is potential for the optimization of effectiveness of the entire structure and outcomes in greatest good organization gains. The speed is Control in AC Motors. AC motor drives are used in control applications such as the speediness of move forwards speeds, transmit or systems,engine tool speeds, and others that require variable speed. The altered methods of controlling AC motors, Control has verified to be the most flexible and accurate method. In this, PWM Inverters have been modelled and their output is fed to the AC Motor drives.
ACMotor, Voltage/frequency (V/f), PWM, Random Weight Change.
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