ICRTETM-2019 - Part 1

Title/Author Name

Segmentation of SD-OCT Images: A Comparative Study
- M.Nagoor Meeral, J.Aashikathul Zuberiya, Dr.S.Shahjun Nisha
Lung Nodule Detection using Image Processing Techniques
- D.Yasmeen, Dr.S.Shajun Nisha, Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik
A Comprehensive Analysis of Edge Detectors in Fundus Images for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
- J.Aashikathul Zuberiya, M.Nagoor Meeral, Dr.S.Shajun Nisha
A Comparative Analysis of Classification Algorithms on Landsat Datasets
- J.Saranya, Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik, Dr.S.Shajun Nisha
Prediction of Heart Disease using Decision Tree Classification Algorithms
- S.Spino, Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik, Dr.S.Shajun Nisha
Enhanced Security on E-Voting System using Block Chain
- S.Syed Nawas Husain, Dr.M.Mohamed Sathik, Dr.S.Shajun Nisha
Wireless Smart Device for Women Safety Based on IOT
- Amritha.N, Kanchana Maheswari.A, Nagalakshmi.C, Veeralakshmi.S, Anitha.V
Smart Home Automation System by Intetgrting Sensors and Raspberry PI
- G.Shivaji rao, M.Bala Shanmugi, D.Pradeepa, V.Usha kamali
ESTAR Combined Spider Approach for Effective V2V Communication
- J.Veneeswari, C.Gurulakshmi, V.Ishwarya, P.Nithya
E-Notice Application for College System
- Prof.D.Suvathi, L.Geethanjali, M.Pavithra, S.Ramya
An Intelligent Real Time Vehicle Detecting System For Taxis
- Ponrani.R, TamilSelvi.K, Rekha.A, Jerart Julus.L
An Advanced IOT based Antitheft Security System with Video Monitoring Facility
- V.Krishnaveni, A.Priyanga, V.Vidya, G. GaneshKumar
Secure and Robust QR Decomposition Fragile Watermarking Scheme for Medical Images
- S.M.Seeni Mohamed Aliar Maraikkayar, S.Sridevi
A Data Mining Approach Combining Fuzzy K –Means Clustering With Bagging Neural Network for Short-Term Wind Power Forecasting
- K.Rajakumar, K.Sathish Kumar