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User : internationaljou ( 1019)
PHP Version : 7.4.33
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current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/bower_components/bootstrap-tour/docs//
$ ->
  $demo = $("#demo")

  tour = new Tour(
    onStart: -> $demo.addClass "disabled", true
    onEnd: -> $demo.removeClass "disabled", true
    debug: true

  duration = 5000
  remaining = duration

  tour.addSteps [
      element: "#demo"
      placement: "bottom"
      title: "Welcome to Bootstrap Tour!"
      content: """
      Introduce new users to your product by walking them through it step by step.
      Built on the awesome
      <a href='' target='_blank'>Bootstrap from Twitter.</a>
      element: "#usage"
      placement: "top"
      title: "A super simple setup"
      content: "Easy is better, right? Easy like Bootstrap. The tour is up and running with just a
      few options and steps."
      element: "#options"
      placement: "top"
      title: "Flexibilty and expressiveness"
      content: """
      There are more options for those who want to get on the dark side.<br>
      Power to the people!
      reflex: true
      element: "#duration"
      placement: "top"
      title: "Automagically expiring step",
      content: """
      A new addition: make your tour (or step) completely automatic. You set the duration, Bootstrap
      Tour does the rest. For instance, this step will disappear in <em>5</em> seconds.
      duration: 5000
      element: "#methods"
      placement: "top"
      title: "A new shiny Backdrop option"
      content: """
      If you need to highlight the current step's element, activate the backdrop and you won't lose
      the focus anymore!
      backdrop: true
      title: "And support for orphan steps"
      content: """
      If you activate the orphan property, the step(s) are shown centered in the page, and you can
      forget to specify element and placement!
      orphan: true
      path: "/"
      element: "#reflex"
      placement: "bottom"
      title: "Reflex mode"
      content: "Reflex mode is enabled, click on the page heading to continue!"
      reflex: true
      path: "/page.html"
      element: "h1"
      placement: "bottom"
      title: "See, you are not restricted to only one page"
      content: "Well, nothing to see here. Click next to go back to the index page."
      path: "/"
      element: "#license"
      placement: "top"
      title: "Best of all, it's free!"
      content: "Yeah! Free as in beer... or speech. Use and abuse, but don't forget to contribute!"
      element: ".navbar-nav > li:last"
      placement: "bottom"
      title: "Fixed position"
      content: "Works well for fixed positioned elements! :)"


  $('<div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissable"><button class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>You ended the demo tour. <a href="#" data-demo>Restart the demo tour.</a></div>').prependTo(".content").alert() if tour.ended()

  $(document).on "click", "[data-demo]", (e) ->
    return if $(this).hasClass "disabled"
    $(".alert").alert "close"


  $(".gravatar").each( ->
    $this = $(@)
    email = md5 $ "email"

    $(@).attr "src", "{email}?s=60"

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AnonSec Team