AnonSec Shell
Server IP :  /  Your IP :
Web Server : Apache
System : Linux 4.18.0-553.8.1.el8_10.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 2 07:26:33 EDT 2024 x86_64
User : internationaljou ( 1019)
PHP Version : 7.4.33
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/etc/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/etc/bindresvport.blacklist
# This file contains a list of port numbers between 600 and 1024,
# which should not be used by bindresvport. bindresvport is mostly
# called by RPC services. This mostly solves the problem, that a
# RPC service uses a well known port of another service.
623     # ASF, used by IPMI on some cards
631     # cups
636     # ldaps
664     # Secure ASF, used by IPMI on some cards
749     # Kerberos V kadmin
774     # rpasswd
873     # rsyncd
921     # lwresd
992     # SSL-enabled telnet
993     # imaps
994     # irc
995     # pops

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team