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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/lib/panopta-agent/plugins/
#from dateutil.parser import parse
#from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from datetime import datetime, date
import time
import gzip
import os
import agent_util
import re


IS_DEBIAN = agent_util.which("/usr/bin/apt-get") is not None
IS_REDHAT = agent_util.which("/usr/bin/yum") is not None

class PackageUpgradePlugin(agent_util.Plugin):
    textkey = "package_upgrade"
    label = "Package Upgrades"

    def get_metadata(self, config):
        package_count_status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
        package_date_status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
        package_count_msg = None
        package_date_msg = None

        if IS_DEBIAN or IS_REDHAT:
            package_date_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
            if IS_DEBIAN:
                    import apt_check
                    if agent_util.execute_command("sudo /usr/bin/apt-get --version")[0] == 0:
                        package_count_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
                    package_count_msg = "Insufficient permission - enable sudo access to apt-get for agent user"
                if PackageUpgradePlugin._can_use_sudo():
                    package_count_status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
                    package_count_msg = "Insufficient permission - enable sudo access to yum for agent user"
            package_date_msg = "Unsupported platform"
            package_count_msg = "Unsupported platform"
  "Unsupported platform")
            return {}

        metadata = {
            "": {
                "label": "Security-related packages waiting to be updated",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_count_status,
                "error_message": package_count_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False

            "packages.nonsecurity": {
                "label": "Non-security-related packages waiting to be updated",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_count_status,
                "error_message": package_count_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False
            "packages.lastupdated": {
                "label": "Days since the last package update was run",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_date_status,
                "error_message": package_date_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": False
            "packages.check_installation": {
                "label": "Check for Package installation",
                "options": None,
                "status": package_date_status,
                "error_message": package_date_msg,
                "unit": "",
                "option_string": True


        return metadata

    def _can_use_sudo(self):
        Verify that the user running the agent has enough permissions to run.
        if agent_util.execute_command('sudo /usr/bin/yum --help')[0] == 0:
            return True
            self.log.error('Insufficient permission - Enable sudo access for agent user.')
            return False

    def check(self, textkey, data, config={}):
        if IS_DEBIAN:
            if textkey in ['', 'packages.nonsecurity']:
                try: import apt_check
                except: return 0
                if agent_util.execute_command("sudo /usr/bin/apt-get update")[0] != 0: return 0
                upgrades, security_updates = apt_check.check()
                if textkey == '':
                    return security_updates
                    return upgrades
                if textkey == '':
                    return security_updates
                    return upgrades

            elif textkey == 'packages.lastupdated':

                # Get list of apt history log files, from newest to oldest, search each one til we find an update
                files = agent_util.execute_command("ls -t /var/log/apt/history*")[1].strip().split('\n')
                for f in files:
                    if f.endswith(".gz"):
                        lines = agent_util.execute_command("zcat %s" % f)[1]
                        lines = agent_util.execute_command("cat %s" % f)[1]
                    matches = re.findall("Upgrade:.+\nEnd-Date:(.*)\n", lines)
                    if matches:
                            dt = matches[-1].strip()
                            d, t = dt.split()
                            d = datetime.strptime(d, "%Y-%m-%d")
                            age = ( - d).days
                            return max(age, 0)
                            self.log.error("Error parsing last upgrade time in %s" % f)

                # if we got here, we didn't find anything.  Return None as a marker
                return None
            elif textkey == 'packages.check_installation':
                if data:
                    command = "dpkg-query -l %s" % data.strip()
                    if agent_util.execute_command(command)[0] != 0: return 0
                    else: return 1

        elif IS_REDHAT:
            if textkey in ['', 'packages.nonsecurity']:
                if not self._can_use_sudo():
                    return None
                retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("sudo yum check-update --security")
                if '\n\n' not in output:
                    num_sec_packages = 0
                    num_sec_packages = len(output.split('\n\n')[-1].split('\n'))

                if textkey == '':
                    return num_sec_packages
                    retcode, output = agent_util.execute_command("sudo yum check-update")
                    if '\n\n' not in output:
                        num_packages = 0
                        num_packages = len(output.split('\n\n')[-1].split('\n'))
                    return max(0, num_packages - num_sec_packages)

            elif textkey == 'packages.lastupdated':

                # Get list of apt history log files, from newest to oldest,
                # search each one til we find an update
                if not self._can_use_sudo():
                    # Return 0 cause we can't determine the update time
                    return None
                files = agent_util.execute_command("ls -t /var/log/yum.log*")[1].strip().split('\n')
                for f in files:
                    lines = agent_util.execute_command("sudo zgrep -A 1 Updated: %s | tail -n 1" % f)[1].strip().split('\n')
                    if len(lines) >= 1:
                        d = lines[-1][:6]
                        if not d:
                            # Logs came up empty due to rotation.
                            d = datetime.strptime(d, "%b %d").replace(
                        except AttributeError:
                            # strptime doesn't appeared until Py2.5, using fallback time.
                            d = datetime(*(time.strptime(d, '%b %d')[0:6])).replace(
                        if d > d = d.replace(
                        age = ( - d).days
                        return max(age, 0)

            elif textkey == 'packages.check_installation':
                if data:
                    command = "rpm -qi %s" % data.strip()
                    if agent_util.execute_command(command)[0] != 0: return 0
                    else: return 1

                # if we got here, we didn't find anything.  Return None as a marker
                return None

        # If we get here, we aren't running on a system where we can actually determine what's available.
        # Default to None to signify error.
        return None

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team