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Directory :  /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/lib/panopta-agent/plugins/

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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/lib/panopta-agent/plugins/
import agent_util
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class UWSGIPlugin(agent_util.Plugin):
    textkey = "uwsgi"
    label = "UWSGI"

    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        # check if uwsgi is even installed
        installed = agent_util.which("uwsgi")
        if not installed:
  "The uwsgi binary was not found.")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            msg = "uwsgi binary not found"
            return {}

        if not config:
            msg = "The [uwsgi] config block is not found in the agent config file."
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED

        if status == agent_util.SUPPORTED and (not "server" in config or not "port" in config):
            msg = "The server and port settings were not found in the [uwsgi] block of the agent config file."
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED

        workers = []
        if status is agent_util.SUPPORTED:
                status, output = agent_util.execute_command('nc %s %s' % (config['server'], config['port']))
                if status != 0: raise Exception(output)
                output = agent_util.json_loads(output)
                for worker in output["workers"]:
                    workers.append("Worker #%s" % worker["pid"])

                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Unable to get uwsgi status, please make sure uwsgi is running with the status module enabled and that the connection settings in the agent configuration file are valid."   

        if status == agent_util.SUPPORTED and not workers:
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
            msg = "No workers found."
        metadata = {
            "requests": {
                "label": "Requests per second",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "requests"
            "exceptions": {
                "label": "Exceptions",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "exceptions"
            "status": {
                "label": "Worker is busy or free to use(BUSY=1, FREE=0)",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg
            "rss": {
                "label": "Worker RSS (Resident Set Size)",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg
            "vsz": {
                "label": "Worker VSZ (Virtual Memory Size)",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg
            "running_time": {
                "label": "How long worker is working",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "workers"
            "respawn_count": {
                "label": "How many requests worker did since worker (re)spawn",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "requests"
            "tx": {
                "label": "How many data was transmitted by worker",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "data"
            "avg_rt": {
                "label": "Average request time",
                "options": workers,
                "status": status,
                "error_message": msg,
                "unit": "ms"
        return metadata

    def check(self, textkey, worker, config):
        status, output = agent_util.execute_command("nc %s %s" %(config["server"],config["port"]))
        if status != 0: raise Exception(output)
        output = agent_util.json_loads(output)
        workers = output["workers"]
        pid = worker.replace("Worker #","")

        for w in workers:
            if w["pid"] == int(pid):
                worker = w
            res = worker[textkey]
            if textkey == "status":
                if res == "idle": res = 0
                else: res = 1
            res = 0
        return res

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AnonSec Team