AnonSec Shell
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System : Linux 4.18.0-553.8.1.el8_10.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 2 07:26:33 EDT 2024 x86_64
User : internationaljou ( 1019)
PHP Version : 7.4.33
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/lib/panopta-agent/plugins/

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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/lib/panopta-agent/plugins/
import agent_util
import os

metrics = {
    #Work Manager Metrics
    "work_manager": {
        "type": "WorkManagerRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "completed_requests": {
                "label": "The number of requests that have been processed",
                "property": "CompletedRequests"
            "pending_requests": {
                "label": "The number of waiting requests in the queue",
                "property": "PendingRequests"
            "stuck_thread_count": {
                "label": "The number of threads that are considered to be stuck on the basis of any stuck thread constraints",
                "property": "StuckThreadCount"
    #JDBC Data Source Metrics
    "jdbc_datasource": {
        "type": "JDBCDataSourceRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "active_connections_current_count": {
                "label": "The number of connections currently in use by applications",
                "property": "ActiveConnectionsCurrentCount"
    #EJB Cache Metrics
    "ejb_cache": {
        "type": "EJBCacheRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "activation_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been activated",
                "property": "ActivationCount"
            "cache_access_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of attempts to access a bean from the cache",
                "property": "CacheAccessCount"
            "cache_beans_current_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of beans from this EJB Home currently in the EJB cache",
                "property": "CachedBeansCurrentCount"
            "cache_hit_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of times an attempt to access a bean from the cache succeeded",
                "property": "CacheHitCount"
            "cache_miss_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of times an attempt to access a bean from the cache failed",
                "property": "CacheMissCount"
            "passivation_count": {
                "label": "Work Manager: The total number of beans from this EJB Home that have been passivated",
                "property": "PassivationCount"
    #EJB Pool Metrics
    "ejb_pool": {
        "type": "EJBPoolRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "access_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of times an attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool",
                "property": "AccessTotalCount"
            "beans_in_use_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of bean instances currently in use from the free pool",
                "property": "BeansInUseCount"
            "beans_in_use_current_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The number of bean instances currently being used from the free pool",
                "property": "BeansInUseCurrentCount"
            "destroyed_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of times a bean instance from this pool was destroyed due to a non-application Exception being thrown from it",
                "property": "DestroyedTotalCount"
            "idle_beans_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of available bean instances in the free pool",
                "property": "IdleBeansCount"
            "miss_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of times a failed attempt was made to get an instance from the free pool",
                "property": "MissTotalCount"
            "pooled_beans_current_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The current number of available bean instances in the free pool",
                "property": "PooledBeansCurrentCount"
            "timeout_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of Threads that have timed out waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool",
                "property": "TimeoutTotalCount"
            "waiter_current_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The number of Threads currently waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool",
                "property": "WaiterCurrentCount"
            "waiter_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Pool: The total number of Threads currently waiting for an available bean instance from the free pool",
                "property": "WaiterTotalCount"
    #EJB Transaction Metrics
    "ejb_transaction": {
        "type": "EJBTransactionRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "transactions_committed_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Transaction: The total number of transactions that have been committed for this EJB",
                "property": "TransactionsCommittedTotalCount"
            "transactions_rolled_back_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Transaction: The total number of transactions that have been rolled back for this EJB",
                "property": "TransactionsRolledBackTotalCount"
            "transactions_timeout_total_count": {
                "label": "EJB Transaction: The total number of transactions that have timed out for this EJB",
                "property": "TransactionsTimedOutTotalCount"
    #Executive Queue Metrics
    "executive_queue": {
        "type": "ExecuteQueueRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "execute_thread_current_idle_count": {
                "label": "Executive Queue: The number of idle threads assigned to the queue",
                "property": "ExecuteThreadCurrentIdleCount"
            "execute_thread_total_count": {
                "label": "Executive Queue: The total number of execute threads assigned to the queue",
                "property": "ExecuteThreadTotalCount"
            "pending_request_current_count": {
                "label": "Executive Queue: The number of waiting requests in the queue",
                "property": "PendingRequestCurrentCount"
            "pending_request_oldest_time": {
                "label": "Executive Queue: The time since the longest waiting request was placed in the queue",
                "property": "PendingRequestOldestTime"
            "serviced_request_total_count": {
                "label": "Executive Queue: The number of requests that have been processed by the queue",
                "property": "ServicedRequestTotalCount"
    #Servlet Metrics
    "servlet": {
        "type": "ServletRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "execution_time_average": {
                "label": "Servlet: The average amount of time all invocations of the servlet have executed since created",
                "property": "ExecutionTimeAverage"
            "execution_time_high": {
                "label": "Servlet: The amount of time the single longest invocation of the servlet has executed since created",
                "property": "ExecutionTimeHigh"
            "execution_time_low": {
                "label": "Servlet: The amount of time the single shortest invocation of the servlet has executed since created",
                "property": "ExecutionTimeLow"
            "execution_time_total": {
                "label": "Servlet: The total amount of time all invocations of the servlet have executed since created",
                "property": "ExecutionTimeTotal"
            "invocation_total_count": {
                "label": "Servlet: The total count of the times this servlet has been invoked",
                "property": "InvocationTotalCount"
            "pool_max_capacity": {
                "label": "Servlet: The maximum capacity of this servlet for single thread model servlets",
                "property": "PoolMaxCapacity"
            "reload_total_count": {
                "label": "Servlet: The total count of the number of times this servlet has been reloaded",
                "property": "ReloadTotalCount"
    #Web App Component Metrics
    "web_app_component": {
        "type": "WebAppComponentRuntime",
        "metrics": {
            "open_sessions_current_count": {
                "label": "Web App Component: The current total number of open sessions in this module",
                "property": "OpenSessionsCurrentCount"
            "open_sessions_high_count": {
                "label": "Web App Component: The high water mark of the total number of open sessions in this server",
                "property": "OpenSessionsHighCount"
            "sessions_opened_total_count": {
                "label": "Web App Component: The total number of sessions opened",
                "property": "SessionsOpenedTotalCount"

def get_metric(config, type, property=None):
    set_env_command = ""
    if 'wl_home' in config:
        set_env_command = ("CLASSPATH=%s " % os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/lib/weblogic.jar"))

    cmd = set_env_command + "java weblogic.Admin"
    if "username" in config: cmd += " -username %s" % config["username"]
    if "password" in config and config["password"].strip(): cmd += " -password %s" % config["password"].strip()
    cmd += " GET -pretty -type %s" % type
    if property: cmd += " -property %s" % property
    status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
    if status != 0: raise Exception(output)
    output = output.strip().split("\n")[-1]

    if not property:
        if output == "No MBeans found": raise Exception(output)
        else: return output
        parsed_output = output[output.index(":") + 1:].strip()
        return parsed_output

class WeblogicPlugin(agent_util.Plugin):
    textkey = "weblogic"
    label = "Oracle WebLogic Webserver"

    def get_metadata(self, config):
        status = agent_util.SUPPORTED
        msg = None

        # check if oracle weblogic is installed, running, and on path
        set_env_command = ""
        if 'wl_home' in config:
            set_env_command = ("CLASSPATH=%s " % os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/lib/weblogic.jar"))

        installed = False
        if agent_util.which("java"):
            cmd = set_env_command + "java weblogic.Admin"
            if "username" in config: cmd += " -username %s" % config["username"]
            if "password" in config and config["password"].strip(): cmd += " -password %s" % config["password"].strip()
            status, output = agent_util.execute_command(cmd)
            if status == 0:
                installed = True
        if not installed:
  "Oracle weblogic was not found installed or not on path")
            status = agent_util.UNSUPPORTED
            return {}

        if not config:
            msg = "The [weblogic] configuration block was not found in the agent config file."
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED

        if status == agent_util.SUPPORTED and not ("wl_home" in config and "username" in config and "password" in config):
            msg = "Weblogic configuration parameters missing from the [weblogic] block of the agent config file."
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED

        if status == agent_util.SUPPORTED and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config['wl_home'], "server/bin/")):
            msg ="Weblogic script not found"
            status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED

        if status == agent_util.SUPPORTED:
            try: output = get_metric(config, "ApplicationRuntime")
                self.log.exception("error getting weblogic metric")
                status = agent_util.MISCONFIGURED
                msg = "Unable to access Weblogic metrics.  Please double check your Weblogic login username and password as well as wl_home in the agent config file."

        data = {}
        for type, vals in metrics.items():
            try: output = get_metric(config, vals["type"])
            except: continue
            for property, meta in vals["metrics"].items():
                textkey = "%s.%s" % (type, property)
                data[textkey] = {
                    "label": meta["label"][:100],
                    "options": meta.get('options', None),
                    "status": status,
                    "error_message": msg
                if "unit" in meta: data[textkey]["unit"] = meta["unit"]

        if not data:
            data = {'servlet': {"label": "WebLogic Servlets",
                                "options": None,
                                "status": status,
                                "error_message": msg}}

        return data

    def check(self, textkey, data, config):
        try: type, property = textkey.split(".")
        except: return False
        if type not in metrics or property not in metrics[type]["metrics"]: return False

        val = int(get_metric(config, metrics[type]["type"], metrics[type]["metrics"][property]["property"]))
        self.log.debug("%s: %d" % (textkey, val))
        return val

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team