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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/include/libxslt/numbersInternals.h
 * Summary: Implementation of the XSLT number functions
 * Description: Implementation of the XSLT number functions
 * Copy: See Copyright for the status of this software.
 * Author: Bjorn Reese <> and Daniel Veillard


#include <libxml/tree.h>
#include "xsltexports.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

struct _xsltCompMatch;

 * xsltNumberData:
 * This data structure is just a wrapper to pass xsl:number data in.
typedef struct _xsltNumberData xsltNumberData;
typedef xsltNumberData *xsltNumberDataPtr;

struct _xsltNumberData {
    const xmlChar *level;
    const xmlChar *count;
    const xmlChar *from;
    const xmlChar *value;
    const xmlChar *format;
    int has_format;
    int digitsPerGroup;
    int groupingCharacter;
    int groupingCharacterLen;
    xmlDocPtr doc;
    xmlNodePtr node;
    struct _xsltCompMatch *countPat;
    struct _xsltCompMatch *fromPat;

     * accelerators

 * xsltFormatNumberInfo,:
 * This data structure lists the various parameters needed to format numbers.
typedef struct _xsltFormatNumberInfo xsltFormatNumberInfo;
typedef xsltFormatNumberInfo *xsltFormatNumberInfoPtr;

struct _xsltFormatNumberInfo {
    int	    integer_hash;	/* Number of '#' in integer part */
    int	    integer_digits;	/* Number of '0' in integer part */
    int	    frac_digits;	/* Number of '0' in fractional part */
    int	    frac_hash;		/* Number of '#' in fractional part */
    int	    group;		/* Number of chars per display 'group' */
    int     multiplier;		/* Scaling for percent or permille */
    char    add_decimal;	/* Flag for whether decimal point appears in pattern */
    char    is_multiplier_set;	/* Flag to catch multiple occurences of percent/permille */
    char    is_negative_pattern;/* Flag for processing -ve prefix/suffix */

#ifdef __cplusplus

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