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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/scripts/convert_and_migrate_from_legacy_backup

# cpanel - scripts/convert_and_migrate_from_legacy_backup
#                                                  Copyright 2022 cPanel, L.L.C.
#                                                           All rights reserved.
# This code is subject to the cPanel license. Unauthorized copying is prohibited

use strict;
use warnings;

use Cpanel::Backup::Utility ();
use Getopt::Long            ();

my $force_conversion;
my $no_convert;
my $help;

    'f|force'    => \$force_conversion,
    'h|help'     => \$help,
    'no_convert' => \$no_convert,

if ($help) {
    print "Usage:\n\n\t$0 -h -f -no_convert\n";
    print "  -h - help (this page)\n";
    print "  -f - force conversion even if existing backup configuration exists\n";
    print "  -no_convert - Do not convert, only backup legacy configuration\n";

if ($force_conversion) {
    print "Forcing backup configuration conversion.\n";

if ($no_convert) {
    print "Only backing up Legacy configuration, no conversion will take place\n";

if ( !$no_convert && !$force_conversion && -e '/var/cpanel/backups/config' ) {
    print "There is already a configuration file for backups in place, are you sure you want to overwrite it ? [y/n] ";
    my $answer = <STDIN>;
    if ( $answer =~ m/^n/i ) {
        print "Aborting configuration conversion.\n";
    elsif ( $answer =~ m/^y/i ) {

    else {
        print "Unknown answer, expected yes or no. Aborting conversion.\n";

print "Converting legacy backup config to new\n" if !$no_convert;

my %opts;

$opts{'no_convert'} = 1 if $no_convert;
$opts{'force'}      = 1 if $force_conversion;

my ( $ret, $msg ) = Cpanel::Backup::Utility::convert_and_migrate_from_legacy_config(%opts);
if ( !$ret ) {
    print "Error during config conversion: $msg\n";
else {
    print "Success: $msg\n";
exit $ret;

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AnonSec Team