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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/usr/share/doc/cloud-init/examples/cloud-config-datasources.txt

# Documentation on data sources configuration options
  # Ec2 
    # timeout: the timeout value for a request at metadata service
    timeout : 50
    # The length in seconds to wait before giving up on the metadata
    # service.  The actual total wait could be up to 
    #   len(resolvable_metadata_urls)*timeout
    max_wait : 120

    #metadata_url: a list of URLs to check for metadata services
     - http://instance-data:8773

    timeout : 50
    max_wait : 120

    # there are no default values for metadata_url or oauth credentials
    # If no credentials are present, non-authed attempts will be made.
    metadata_url: http://mass-host.localdomain/source
    consumer_key: Xh234sdkljf
    token_key: kjfhgb3n
    token_secret: 24uysdfx1w4

    # default seedfrom is None
    # if found, then it should contain a url with:
    #    <url>/user-data and <url>/meta-data
    # seedfrom:
    seedfrom: None

    # fs_label: the label on filesystems to be searched for NoCloud source
    fs_label: cidata

    # these are optional, but allow you to basically provide a datasource
    # right here
    user-data: |
      # This is the user-data verbatim
      instance-id: i-87018aed
      local-hostname: myhost.internal

    # For KVM guests:
    # Smart OS datasource works over a serial console interacting with
    # a server on the other end. By default, the second serial console is the
    # device. SmartOS also uses a serial timeout of 60 seconds.
    serial_device: /dev/ttyS1
    serial_timeout: 60

    # For LX-Brand Zones guests:
    # Smart OS datasource works over a socket interacting with
    # the host on the other end. By default, the socket file is in
    # the native .zoncontrol directory.
    metadata_sockfile: /native/.zonecontrol/metadata.sock

    # a list of keys that will not be base64 decoded even if base64_all
    no_base64_decode: ['root_authorized_keys', 'motd_sys_info',
    # a plaintext, comma delimited list of keys whose values are b64 encoded
    base64_keys: []
    # a boolean indicating that all keys not in 'no_base64_decode' are encoded
    base64_all: False

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