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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/usr/share/doc/device-mapper-multipath/README.alua
This is a rough guide, consult your storage device manufacturer documentation.

ALUA is supported in some devices, but usually it's disabled by default.
To enable ALUA, the following options should be changed:

   "Failover Mode" should be changed to "4".

   "Host:" should be changed to "Generic-ALUA Persona 2 (UARepLun, SESLun, ALUA)".

- Promise VTrak/Vess:
   "LUN Affinity" and "ALUA" should be changed to "Enable", "Redundancy Type"
   must be "Active-Active".

- LSI/Engenio/NetApp RDAC class, as NetApp SANtricity E/EF Series and OEM arrays:
   "Select operating system:" should be changed to "Linux DM-MP (Kernel 3.10 or later)".

- NetApp ONTAP:
   To check ALUA state: "igroup show -v <igroup_name>", and to enable ALUA:
   "igroup set <igroup_name> alua yes".

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team