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Current File : /home/internationaljou/public_html/admin/js/BROKY_ADMIN/alfasymlink/root/usr/share/doc/jbig2dec-libs/README
jbig2dec is a decoder library and example utility implementing the JBIG2
bi-level image compression spec. Also known as ITU T.88 and ISO IEC
14492, and included by reference in Adobe's PDF version 1.4 and later.

The basic invocation is:

    jbig2dec [-o <output file>] file.jbig2

It also supports separate 'global' and 'page' streams, generally
extracted from some embedded format:

    jbig2dec [-o <output file>] <global_stream> <page_stream>

The program is only partially functional at this time, but should be
useful in some limited contexts. We welcome files that the decoder can't
handle, or renders incorrectly.

A set of example files is available from

More information about this project and updated versions are available

Development source code is kept in a git repository at:

The contact address for the project is <>.

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team