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libbsd - Utility functions from BSD systems

This library provides useful functions commonly found on BSD systems,
and lacking on others like GNU systems, thus making it easier to port
projects with strong BSD origins, without needing to embed the same
code over and over again on each project.

A BSD compatible message-digest library is required, on systems where
this is not provided by its libc or libmd libraries, the canonical
implementation to use is <>.



Mailing List

The subscription interface and web archives can be found at:


The mail address is:

Source Repository

The primary repository can be browsed at:


and cloned from:


Building from git source

To prepare the libbsd source tree from git before starting the build process
some required software needs to be installed:

  GNU autoconf >= 2.67
  GNU automake >= 1.9
  GNU libtool >= 2.0

After installing the needed software, and running the following command on
the git tree:

  $ ./autogen

the source should be roughly equivalent to the distributed tar source.

Building from tar source

The minimum software required to configure and build dpkg from a tarball is:

  C89 compiler

The following software might be required depending on the system:

  libmd (whenever the libc does not provide the needed digest functions)

The build process is done by running the usual «./configure; make». To
see all available configuration options please run «./configure --help».

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team