AnonSec Shell
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Current File : /usr/share/doc/perl-Getopt-Long/examples/
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Skeleton for an application using Getopt::Long with Pod::Parser.

# Author          : Johan Vromans
# Created On      : Sun Sep 15 18:39:01 1996
# Last Modified By: Johan Vromans
# Last Modified On: Tue Jun  2 10:40:04 2015
# Update Count    : 23
# Status          : Unknown, Use with caution!

################ Common stuff ################

use strict;
use warnings;

# Package name.
my $my_package = 'Sciurix';
# Program name and version.
my ($my_name, $my_version) = qw( MyProg 0.01 );

################ Command line parameters ################

use Getopt::Long 2.13;

# Command line options.
my $verbose = 0;		# verbose processing

# Development options (not shown with -help).
my $debug = 0;			# debugging
my $trace = 0;			# trace (show process)
my $test = 0;			# test mode.

# Process command line options.

# Post-processing.
$trace |= ($debug || $test);

################ Presets ################

my $TMPDIR = $ENV{TMPDIR} || $ENV{TEMP} || '/usr/tmp';

################ The Process ################

exit 0;

################ Subroutines ################

sub app_options {
    my $help = 0;		# handled locally
    my $ident = 0;		# handled locally
    my $man = 0;		# handled locally

    my $pod2usage = sub {
        # Load Pod::Usage only if needed.
        require Pod::Usage;

    # Process options.
    if ( @ARGV > 0 ) {
	GetOptions('ident'	=> \$ident,
		   'verbose'	=> \$verbose,
		   'trace'	=> \$trace,
		   'help|?'	=> \$help,
		   'man'	=> \$man,
		   'debug'	=> \$debug)
	  or $pod2usage->(2);
    if ( $ident or $help or $man ) {
	print STDERR ("This is $my_package [$my_name $my_version]\n");
    if ( $man or $help ) {
	$pod2usage->(1) if $help;
	$pod2usage->(VERBOSE => 2) if $man;


################ Documentation ################

=head1 NAME

sample - skeleton for GetOpt::Long and Pod::Usage


sample [options] [file ...]

   --ident		shows identification
   --help		shows a brief help message and exits
   --man                shows full documentation and exits
   --verbose		provides more verbose information

=head1 OPTIONS

=over 8

=item B<--help>

Prints a brief help message and exits.

=item B<--man>

Prints the manual page and exits.

=item B<--ident>

Prints program identification.

=item B<--verbose>

Provides more verbose information.

=item I<file>

The input file(s) to process, if any.



B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do someting
useful with the contents thereof.


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