AnonSec Shell
Server IP :  /  Your IP :
Web Server : Apache
System : Linux 4.18.0-553.8.1.el8_10.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Jul 2 07:26:33 EDT 2024 x86_64
User : internationaljou ( 1019)
PHP Version : 7.4.33
Disable Function : NONE
MySQL : OFF  |  cURL : ON  |  WGET : ON  |  Perl : ON  |  Python : ON  |  Sudo : ON  |  Pkexec : ON
Directory :  /usr/share/licenses/gnutls/

Upload File :
current_dir [ Writeable ] document_root [ Writeable ]


Command :

[ HOME ]     

Current File : /usr/share/licenses/gnutls/LICENSE

Since GnuTLS version 3.1.10, the core library is released under
the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later
(see doc/COPYING.LESSER for the license terms).

The GNU LGPL applies to the main GnuTLS library, while the
included applications as well as gnutls-openssl 
library are under the GNU GPL version 3.  The gnutls library is 
located in the lib/ and libdane/ directories, while the applications
in src/ and, the gnutls-openssl library is at extra/.

The documentation in doc/ is under the GNU FDL license 1.3.

Note, however, that the nettle and the gmp libraries which are
GnuTLS dependencies, they are distributed under a LGPLv3+ or GPLv2+ dual
license. As such binaries linking to them need to adhere to either LGPLv3+
or the GPLv2+ license.

For any copyright year range specified as YYYY-ZZZZ in this package
note that the range specifies every single year in that closed interval.

Anon7 - 2022
AnonSec Team