AnonSec Shell
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Current File : /var/opt/nydus/ops/jsonschema/benchmarks/
A benchmark for validation of schemas containing lots of useless keywords.

Checks we filter them out once, ahead of time.

from pyperf import Runner

from jsonschema import Draft202012Validator

NUM_USELESS = 100000
schema = dict(
        ("not", {"const": 42}),
        *((str(i), i) for i in range(NUM_USELESS)),
        ("type", "integer"),
        *((str(i), i) for i in range(NUM_USELESS, NUM_USELESS)),
        ("minimum", 37),
validator = Draft202012Validator(schema)

valid = 3737
invalid = 12

if __name__ == "__main__":
    runner = Runner()
    runner.bench_func("beginning of schema", lambda: validator.is_valid(42))
    runner.bench_func("middle of schema", lambda: validator.is_valid("foo"))
    runner.bench_func("end of schema", lambda: validator.is_valid(12))
    runner.bench_func("valid", lambda: validator.is_valid(3737))

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AnonSec Team