SSRG - IJME - Volume 11 Issue 12 - December 2024 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 Enhancing Heat Transfer in Heating of PET Bottles for Carbonated Beverages - Gagan Malik, Arvind kumar Mahalle, Rohit P. Sarode, Shreya Malik IJME-V11I12P101 2 A Comparative Study of Electric and Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle Performance Under High Ambient Temperatures: A Case Study of Kuwait - Jasem Alrajhi, Nawaf Alhaifi, Jasem Alazemi, Farraj Aldaihani, Khaled Alhaifi IJME-V11I12P102 3 Design of Direct Heating Thermal Dryer using Mineral Insulated Cable for Lithium Hydroxide Processing - Han-So Lee, Jyun-Pyo Hong, Jung-Woo Song, Jong-Hun Kang IJME-V11I12P103 4 Smart Waste Revolution: AI-Powered Biomedical Segregation and Recycling with IoT Integration - G. Uthayakumar, Bathrinath Sankaranarayanan, Bhalaji R.K.A IJME-V11I12P104 5 Formulation and Testing of the Recycled Low-Density Polyethylene Montmorillonite Polymer Composite for Drug Eluting Stents - Ogutu John Bosco, Bruno Robert Mose, James Mutuku Mutua, Christiaan Adika Adenya IJME-V11I12P105 6 Development and Characterization of Hybrid Composite Roof Panels Using Kevlar, Hemp, and Carbon Fabrics with Epoxy Resin - H. Madhusudhana Reddy, H. K. Shivanand, Jayakiran Reddy Esanakula IJME-V11I12P106 7 Impact of Warming on Heat and Mass Transfer in Chilled Sweetened Carbonated Beverages: A Thermodynamic Study - Gagan Malik, Arvind K. Mahalle, Rohit P. Sarode IJME-V11I12P107 8 Investigation and Development of Novel Biodiesel Blend Using Response Surface Methodology in C. I. Engine - Monika K Vyas, Gaurav N Sutaria IJME-V11I12P108 IJME MENUS IJME Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJME Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form Annual Subscription