SSRG - IJME - Volume 2 Issue 7 - July 2015 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 Implementation of Response Surface Methodology for Analysis of Milling Process Using Multi Point Cutting Tool for Surface Finish - Prof. (Dr) .V. R. Naik, Mr.G.C.Mekalke, Mr.A.V.Sutar IJME-V2I7P101 2 Sliding wear behavior of ASSAB 88 tool steel - Virendra Singh Rana, Arun Negi, Dr.B.Gangil, Mr.B.S.Bhandari IJME-V2I7P102 3 Synthesis and characterisation of aluminium2024 and graphene metal matrix composites by powder metallurgy means - B.Sai Jagadish IJME-V2I7P103 4 Topological Optimization using Guide Weight Method - Kavita, Rakesh Saxena, Lalit Ranakoti, Ashish Bedwal IJME-V2I7P105 5 Effective Use Of Recycled Raw Material In Selective Laser Sintering Process - Gurinder Singh, Dr. Beant singh IJME-V2I7P106 6 Study on the Analysis of Excavator Boom: A Review - Janmit Raj, Gaurav Saxena, Rishi Kumar, Kuldeep Kaushik IJME-V2I7P107 7 Performance Evaluation of a Prototype Solar Collector Using Convex Lenses for Varying Mass Flow Rate of the Heat Transfer Fluid - Pramod Kumar Trivedi, Jitendra Jayant, Kamal Kant Vashistha, Dr. A. C. Tiwari IJME-V2I7P108 IJME MENUS IJME Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJME Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form Annual Subscription