SSRG - IJME - Volume 12 Issue 2 - February 2025 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 Mobile Solar Charging Station for Mini Electric Vehicles in Kuwait: Optimization and Economic Analysis Using HOMER Simulation Software- Jasem Alazemi, Jasem Alrajhi, Ahmad Khalfan, Khaled Alhaifi IJME-V12I2P101 2 Numerical Investigation of Passive Vibration Damping Using Butyl-Viscoelastic and Particle-Viscoelastic Damping Materials- Anand Rengaraj, Arohan Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, A. Kumaraswamy IJME-V12I2P102 3 Investigations of Lithium-Ion Battery and Supercapacitor Hybridization on Relative Effectiveness and Energy Performance of E-Bicycle with Regenerative Braking- Ravikant Nanwatkar, Deepak Watvisave, Aparna Bagde, Pravin Nitnaware IJME-V12I2P103 4 Numerical and Experimental Study of Heat Treatment via Quenching Using CFD Analysis- Hemant P. Horane, Babaso N. Naik, K. Durga Hemanth Kumar, Pranav Charkha, Ramdas G. Biradar, Rahul Saini IJME-V12I2P104 5 Investigation of the Performance and Emissions of a Single-Cylinder Diesel Engine Fueled with Mahua Pyro Oil Mixtures Using ETBE as an Oxygenated Additive- C. Thiagarajan, M. Prabhahar, J. Senthil, S. Prakash, S. Nallusamy IJME-V12I2P105 6 Multi-Objective Optimization of Bead Morphology Using 1.36 Cr-0.5 Mo Steel Metal-Cored Wires for GMAW-Based WAAM- Prerna Shah, Vyomesh Buch, Jay Vora IJME-V12I2P106 7 Revolutionizing Solar Energy: Optimizing Thermal Performance of Flat Plate Solar Collectors with SiC Nanofluids- A. Rafi, S. Muthuvel IJME-V12I2P107 8 Investigation of Sequential Port Fuel Injection over Manifold Fuel Injection to Evaluate Combustion and Emission Parameters in Spark Ignition Engine Using Hydrogen Enriched CNG Blends- Pravin Nitnaware, Vishal Meshram, Ravikant Nanwatkar, Amit R. Patil IJME-V12I2P108 IJME MENUS IJME Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJME Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form Annual Subscription