SSRG - IJIE - Volume 11 Issue 3 - September - December 2024
S.No | Title/Author Name | Paper ID |
1 | Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Peganum Harmala Leaf Extract |
IJIE-V11I3P101 |
2 | Reliable RSS Indoor Location Systems Based on Signal Distribution |
IJIE-V11I3P102 |
3 | The Effect of Turning on Home Composting |
IJIE-V11I3P103 |
4 | Impact of Lean and TPM Practices on Productivity and Quality: Insights from a Peruvian Textile SME |
IJIE-V11I3P104 |
5 | Operational Excellence in Freight Logistics: A Lean Service Case Study Integrating Poka Yoke and Standardized Work |
IJIE-V11I3P105 |