SSRG - IJNHS - Volume 8 Issue 2 - May - August 2022 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 Assessment of High School students' First-Aid Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice in Selected Schools in the Chamarajanagar District - Vinay Kumar G, Sushmitha H S IJNHS-V8I2P101 2 Descriptive Correlational Study to Assess the Stigma, Burden, and Quality of Life Among the Wives of Alcohol Dependents in Selected Areas of Kuppam, Chittoor district Andhrapradesh - Premalatha, Sreedevi, Balalakshmi IJNHS-V8I2P102 3 The Importance of the Speech Therapist's Performance in Cancer Hospital in the Treatment of Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer: A Bibliographic Review - Marcia Maria de Oliveira Pastor IJNHS-V8I2P103 4 Newborn Screening Program at the Rural Health Units in Zamboanga City: An Assessment - Vicenta T. Escobar, Eladia Uy Rivera, Filomena G. Demoni IJNHS-V8I2P104 5 The Journey from Lecture Only to a Flipped Classroom - Susan Braud IJNHS-V8I2P105 6 Healthcare Academicians' Attitudes and Behavioural Intentions Towards E-learning in a Private Healthcare University in Malaysia - Annamma K, Puziah Y, Aini A IJNHS-V8I2P106 7 The Relationship of the Role of Supervision Model 4S with the Assessment Element of Patient Prevention of Fall Risk Mediated by the Competence of the Nurse - Selvin Diana, Yulastri Arif, Esthika Ariany Maisa IJNHS-V8I2P107 IJNHS MENUS IJNHS Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJNHS Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form Annual Subscription