SSRG - IJEMS - Volume 8 Issue 6 - June 2021 S.No Title/Author Name Paper ID 1 Analysis Economic Integration Between Indonesia and ASEAN Countries - Devina Octarrum, I Wayan Suparta, Arivina Ratih IJEMS-V8I6P101 2 Effectiveness of Old Age Allowance (OAA) and Widow Allowance (WA) Programs on the Livelihood of its Beneficiaries in Bangladesh - Farhana Parvin Khan IJEMS-V8I6P102 3 Demographic Factors and Sustainability of Women Entrepreneurs in Dhaka City - Albina Amin IJEMS-V8I6P103 4 The Effect of Corruption Perception Index, Debt, Foreign Direct Investment, Balance of Trade, and Labor on Economic Growth - Noni Darmawati, I Wayan Suparta, Saimul IJEMS-V8I6P104 5 The Role of Job Satisfaction In Mediating The Effect Of Job Stress And Competence On Work Engagement - I Made Darmawan, I Made Artha Wibawa IJEMS-V8I6P105 6 The Effect of Human Capital and Unemployment Rate on Economic Growth on the Island of Sumatra - Andreas Ramanda Putra, Ida Budiarty, Lies Maria Hamzah IJEMS-V8I6P107 7 Analysis of Robusta Coffee Development in Way Kanan Regency (Study on Robusta Coffee Production Efficiency) - Lucky Lanova, Ida Budiarty, Lies Maria Hamzah IJEMS-V8I6P108 8 Behavior of Organizations As It Affects The Society - Prof. Dr. Iwasan D. Kejawa IJEMS-V8I6P110 9 Willingness To Pay For Forest Protection In Vietnam, Case Study In Thai Nguyen City - Thi Thanh Ha Nguyen IJEMS-V8I6P111 10 Satisfactions of Employers With Graduates From Thainguyen University - Ngo Thuy Ha IJEMS-V8I6P113 IJEMS MENUS IJEMS Aim & Scope Editorial Board Paper Submission Current Issue IJEMS Archives Publication Ethics Authors Guidelines Editors Guidelines Reviewer Guidelines Indexing APC Mode of Payment Paper Template Copyright Form